5 Signs You’re Successful
Traditionally our culture measures success by the amount of or quality of material items that we have. Essentially, in today’s culture, a big house or luxury car equates to a successful life. However, you should ask yourself if this is a true barometer of your own life success.
Within her article “Five Signs You’re Successful — Whether You Know It Or Not” Forbes contributor Liz Ryan attempts to show why the measure of your success should not be identified solely by salary but other aspects of your job, and the relationships you forge.
Ryan’s first measurement of success deals with your relationships with upper management. She encourages you to ask yourself the following. Are you in an environment where you’re comfortable telling your boss their shortcomings or are you shackled by the weight of a possible termination if you voice your concerns?
Ryan’s second idea continues the idea of telling you to have a voice by explaining that you should never be afraid to speak up, and give the department fresh ideas. How can you be successful at your job without exhibiting self-confidence?
Ryan’s third measurement of success is that you should have a clear understanding of what they contribute to the team. You should have a defined role, and should not allow a co-worker to question your subject of expertise without proper cause.
Ryan’s final two ideas transcend the workplace but can also be applicable within the office. She believes that you should not limit your dreams and possibilities. You should allow yourself to set the goal of climbing the job ladder, and truly believe that it is achievable.
Ryan’s final idea is one that we should all follow in every aspect of life. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you. Ryan’s thought process is if we put ourselves in situations where we are loved, we will build confidence which will help us find overall success.
Good luck and let us know how applying these tips work for you.
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