FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart Announces Partnership with The Pierite Group; New, Unique Workforce Solutions Coming to Indian Country

Image Credit: The Pierite Group

SkillSmart, a for-purpose technology company with a skills-matching platform, announced a partnership at the National Reservation Economic Summit with The Pierite Group, a strategic economic development tribal advisor, to deliver workforce solutions to Indian Country with the overall goal of overcoming significant barriers to meaningful employment.

The native employment rate is nearly 14% lower than the national average. High school graduation rates are among the lowest in the nation, and the odds of Native Americans being employed are 31% lower than whites. Using the SkillSmart platform for skills-based training and hiring, combined with the economic development expertise of The Pierite Group, can help to reverse these declining employment statistics.

“This partnership is important to implement our mission of mobilizing community resources for major economic impact across the country. Marshall Pierite, CEO of The Pierite Group, along with his team, have demonstrated their commitment to diverse economic strategies to rejuvenate tribes. With SkillSmart’s success at increasing employment outcomes and retention, this unique partnership will create a workforce solution in Indian Country. Key deliverables will include meeting the specific needs of Tribes, expanding on skill levels of tribal members, and allowing for Tribal Councils to diversify through economic development,” said Jason Green, SkillSmart SVP Business Development. These initiatives will serve as valuable resources to expand economic development beyond gaming.

The Pierite Group was founded by CEO Marshall Pierite with the express goal of providing guidance to businesses, Tribal governments, local governments, and non-profit entities in their pursuit of financial independence. “We are excited to join forces with SkillSmart to create workforce opportunities for Native Americans. This partnership will allow us to identify individual job skills to match with potential employers, with the goal of aiding economic diversity across Indian Country,” said Marshall Pierite.

The Pierite Group offers access to a broad range of professional resources and provides the necessary tools and expertise to ensure long-term success and sustainability. Located in Central Louisiana, the TPG’s philosophy is to build locally, while thinking globally.

Founded by Jason Green and Mike Knapp, SkillSmart is a tech-enabled, skills-based platform that helps growing organizations and industries find and develop the talent they need by matching job seekers to employment opportunities based on skills and abilities. SkillSmart creates a pipeline of qualified workers and helps prospective employees gain the skills they need.

Recognizing the challenge that many employers face when seeking qualified and skilled talent, the SkillSmart platform directly connects the three key stakeholders of today’s workforce via employers, job seekers and educators; thus, creating transparency in the talent acquisition process and enabling job seekers to better understand the various cybersecurity opportunities and pathways. In return, employers can identify a stronger pool of candidates.

Current partners leveraging the SkillSmart platform include MGM National Harbor, MGM Springfield, the Milwaukee Bucks, Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corp., Springfield Public Schools in Springfield, MA, and the Chesapeake Regional Tech Council, in addition to others.

For further information about SkillSmart, please visit or contact Jason Green at 240-498-4492 or


About SkillSmart
SkillSmart is a skills-based, tech-enabled platform that helps growing organizations and industries find the talent they need by matching job seekers to employment opportunities based on skills and abilities. To accomplish this, SkillSmart partners with companies from a variety of industries and provides access to their proprietary technology to allow them to search and filter through a pipeline of qualified candidates. SkillSmart’s mission is to end the skills gap that employers face in filling various roles. 
About The Pierite Group
Established in 2015 in Marksville, LA., The Pierite Group specializes in advisory and strategic consulting, project management, governmental and political relationship building, organizational and structural development, and community outreach.
The Pierite Group is Native American owned and operated by CEO and founder, Marshall Pierite. With more than 30 years of governmental experience in Indian Country in public and private sectors, TPG is committed to providing its clients the necessary resources to achieve financial and socioeconomic independence through economic development.
For more information about The Pierite Group, please visit
319 Center St, Marksville, LA 71355, 318-597-8981. 
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Position Yourself for the Job You Want

As job seekers we have all experienced this feeling before, you see an attractive opportunity but your previous work experience does not match up with anything needed for the position.

So, you end up doubting yourself, and ultimately do not pursue the position of interest.

During the question answer session titled “I’m Qualified For The Job — Just Not On Paper” Forbes contributor Liz Ryan explains how to apply for a position which you not seem – to the naked eye – qualified for.

First, Ryan asks her readers to do some research. If you can figure out who’s in charge of hiring the staff, you can connect with them directly. Next, you must brainstorm challenges that the prospective employer may have and is attempting to solve by hiring new staff.

Researching these points can be done by examining the company’s LinkedIn page or latest press releases. After you identify these issues, you must use your prior working experience to show how you have experienced similar issues at your last position in order to prove your worth to the new recruiter.

The personal experience does not have to be exactly the same, but must show that you used the same skills or thought process to solve the issue as you would use to solve the new company’s problems as well.

Then create a human voiced (first-person) resume, put your thoughts and research together within the form of a pain letter and submit both the letter and resume to the employer.

While you may not receive this particular position, the research conducted and thoughts compiled will only help you draft an even better letter the next time you see a position you want to pursue.

These are all growing pains on the road to achieving a new position of interest.

Here’s to finding a job that makes you happy!

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Is it ever okay to leave an interview abruptly?


As job seekers, we are sometimes too eager to settle for any position. This mindset can be destructive to future success and happiness. Usually before we accept an opportunity there are several signs that this position might not be the right fit, but we choose to ignore it.

A huge indicator may be how the interview process goes. While a positive interview process does not guarantee a positive future work experience, a negative interview process can be a tell tale sign for a negative working environment. So the question is “Why do individuals normalize, and stick through a negative interview experience?”

During Liz Ryan’s latest article “Ten Reasons To Get Up And Leave A Job Interview,” Ryan theorizes about this question, and provides her audience with several reasons that would justify leaving an interview.

Ryan’s basic premise is that individuals simply do not know how to remove themselves from a negative interview. Therefore, Ryan informs the job seeker that it is not disrespectful to simply excuse yourself from an interview if it is not what you expect. Ryan also states that if you do not feel comfortable abruptly leaving an interview, you can call the office, or send an email shortly after declining consideration for the position.

Ryan’s article explains more than how to end a negative interview, the article is multilayered. Ryan provides job seekers with several acceptable reasons to leave an interview prematurely.

While these reasons include everything from aesthetics to safety, most of her talking points revolve around a lack of respect exhibited by some interviewers.

If an employer continuously questions the legitimacy of your resume, perhaps this is not the best working environment. This can be a sign that you are not being taken seriously, and possibly will not be treated with respect.

If your interviewer arrives late, disorganized, or ill prepared, this may not be the best place to work. This behavior may be a microcosm the company’s overall shortcomings.

Remember it is better to pass on a bad opportunity and allocate your time looking for a better fit than to settle for the position at hand then find yourself leaving it shortly after.

Here’s to finding a job that makes you happy!

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Choose Happiness Over Money in Your Job Search

My first full-time job during high school was interning with the USDA. Students were guaranteed a position for at least the summer, and our productivity determined whether we would be kept on any longer.

I was stationed in the IT department which luckily allowed me the privilege of not having to be stationary for 40 hours a week. However the dim lights, older coworkers, and tedious work made everyday a struggle. In fact, if I did not make friends with the other interns I probably would have quit early.

I managed to make it through the summer and work a couple extra months, but when my partner informed me that she was moving to go to college, it was all the incentive I needed to move on from that position.

Sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed in that position, especially since one of my fellow interns stayed for 7 years, and enjoyed all the benefits of working for the government. However, Jules Schroeder’s article “Millennials, Don’t Make This Mistake When Applying For A Job” helps me tolerate my decision by explaining her first experience in an office setting.

Schroeder’s first full-time job experience was very similar to mine, however without having other young people on the staff she ended up quitting within two weeks. Schroeder is essentially explaining to the reader that you must seek out a job that you can be happy at, not one that is tied to financial success.

Studies have shown that our overall happiness is tied to the happiness we have at our jobs, therefore we should look for a position that brings us the most joy possible.

Here’s to finding a job that makes you happy!

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It’s All About Jobs, But it Has to be About Skills First

skills training

Businesses, communities and people are excited by the potential opportunities that an increased focus on infrastructure and manufacturing will have on local communities and across the nation.

At first glance a renewed focus on these areas is great news, and then articles and research start to appear like this recent Bloomberg Markets report that “Four-fifths of executives surveyed said that a shortage of sufficiently skilled workers will affect their companies in the next 12 months.” Which is followed up by “Complaints of hard-to-fill factory jobs are backed up by Bureau of Labor Statistics data: 324,000 manufacturing spots were open in November, up from 238,000 a year earlier.”

So what will keep us from actually increasing manufacturing and constructing new infrastructure? The lack of skilled workers.

Fortunately, this is a solvable problem.  SkillSmart’s focus on skills development and skills based hiring helps directly address this issue with a scalable solution.  We work with employers to identify the skills they need which helps job seekers better understand the skills they need to be qualified or considered for hiring.  Then, we show them where they acquire these skills through local education and training resources.

In fact, we have seen a more than 2 to 1 increase in successful hiring outcomes with our clients who use the SkillSmart platform and a 21% increase in the rate of retention.

The impact of skills in the workplace is real and can have both positive and negative results.  Lack of skills can hinder success, but we have shown that skills based hiring achieves real, sustainable and positive outcomes to help construction, manufacturing and other important industry sectors grow.  This focus on skills is critical to driving the desired growth in our economy, communities and people.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart Announces New Partnership with The Purple Line Transit Partners

Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP) is partnering with SkillSmart, a skills-based platform, to connect local job seekers to the Purple Line job opportunities for which they are the best match. The SkillSmart platform also identifies the skills job seekers need to acquire in order to apply for available Purple Line job opportunities.

PLTP, a consortium of three experienced and successful public-private partnership (P3) developers and equity investors, was selected by the state last year to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain the Purple Line. In an effort to increase local hiring, PLTP will use the SkillSmart platform so job seekers can explore the various opportunities, build a profile to better understand how their education and work experiences meet the skills needed for various open positions, link individuals to education and training resources to help them build required skills, and apply for open positions.

“The Purple Line is Maryland’s first P3 transit project and its construction has been eagerly anticipated by businesses and residents all along the route. We are very excited to work with PLTP to help local residents acquire the skills they need to be hired for the construction and operation of this project,” said Mike Knapp, CEO of SkillSmart. “It is great to implement our mission of mobilizing community resources for major economic impact on another significant project in the DC metro region.”

Founded by Jason Green and Mike Knapp, SkillSmart is a tech-enabled, skills-based platform that helps growing organizations and industries find and develop the talent they need by matching job seekers to employment opportunities based on skills and abilities. SkillSmart creates a pipeline of qualified workers and helps prospective employees gain the skills they need. Recognizing the challenge that many employers face when seeking qualified and skilled talent, the SkillSmart platform directly connects the three key stakeholders of today’s workforce: employers, job seekers and educators – creating transparency in the talent acquisition process and enabling job seekers to better understand the various cybersecurity opportunities and pathways. In return, employers can identify a stronger pool of candidates.

The Purple Line, a 21 station, 16-mile light rail line extending from Bethesda in Montgomery County to New Carrollton in Prince George’s County, has been selected to receive a $900 million grant under the Federal Transit Administration’s competitive New Starts program. When completed, it will provide a direct connection to Metrorail’s Red, Green and Orange Lines at Bethesda, Silver Spring, College Park, and New Carrollton. The Purple Line will also connect to MARC, AMTRAK, and local bus services.

Current partners leveraging the SkillSmart platform include MGM National Harbor, MGM Springfield, the Milwaukee Bucks, Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corp., Springfield Public Schools in Springfield, MA, and the Chesapeake Regional Tech Council, in addition to others.

For further information about SkillSmart, please visit or contact Michael Knapp at 301-980-4095 or


About SkillSmart
SkillSmart is a skills-based, tech-enabled platform that helps growing organizations and industries find the talent they need by matching job seekers to employment opportunities based on skills and abilities. To accomplish this, SkillSmart partners with companies from a variety of industries and provides access to their proprietary technology to allow them to search and filter through a pipeline of qualified candidates. SkillSmart’s mission is to end the skills gap that employers face in filling various roles. 


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5 Signs You’re Successful

Traditionally our culture measures success by the amount of or quality of material items that we have. Essentially, in today’s culture, a big house or luxury car equates to a successful life. However, you should ask yourself if this is a true barometer of your own life success.

Within her article “Five Signs You’re Successful — Whether You Know It Or NotForbes contributor Liz Ryan attempts to show why the measure of your success should not be identified solely by salary but other aspects of your job, and the relationships you forge.

Ryan’s first measurement of success deals with your relationships with upper management. She encourages you to ask yourself the following. Are you in an environment where you’re comfortable telling your boss their shortcomings or are you shackled by the weight of a possible termination if you voice your concerns?

Ryan’s second idea continues the idea of telling you to have a voice by explaining that you should never be afraid to speak up, and give the department fresh ideas. How can you be successful at your job without exhibiting self-confidence?

Ryan’s third measurement of success is that you should have a clear understanding of what they contribute to the team. You should have a defined role, and should not allow a co-worker to question your subject of expertise without proper cause.

Ryan’s final two ideas transcend the workplace but can also be applicable within the office. She believes that you should not limit your dreams and possibilities. You should allow yourself to set the goal of climbing the job ladder, and truly believe that it is achievable.

Ryan’s final idea is one that we should all follow in every aspect of life. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you. Ryan’s thought process is if we put ourselves in situations where we are loved, we will build confidence which will help us find overall success.

Good luck and let us know how applying these tips work for you.

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7 Phrases to Eliminate at Work

Seldom does an individual truly realize the power of their words. However, because words can have a positive or negative connotation, the words one uses can affect the tone of a statement.

While there are hundreds of articles analyzing the power of words within a relationship, there are very few that analyze how important one’s word choices are within the workplace.

Within her article “7 Common Phrases That Make You Look Bad at Work” Emily Moore provides the reader with common phrases that employees regularly use, and gives the reader an alternative phrase that may sound a little more appropriate within a job setting. Moore argues that by using these phrases, not only might one respect you more but you may be able to explain your thoughts with more clarity.

Do you think you could…

The first phrase Moore analyzes is “Do you think you could…” According to Moore this statement leaves the assignment open for interpretation. When asked in this manner it almost implies that the statement is not a necessity therefore one does not need to do it within the timeframe.

No big deal

Moore’s second phrase “No big deal” could possibly be the answer commonly given in response to her first phrase. However, the problem with this statement is that it gives one the impression that you are not busy, which could create issues if one is backlogged with work.


“Sorry” is Moore’s third word of angst. Moore argues that the word is overused, and if one were to replace the word sorry with “Thank You” it would probably even be more effective.


Moore also implores the audience to stop using the word “like” as a descriptive word within a conversation. Moore argues that it is juvenile and not effective.

Kind Of

She continues her attack on high school vernacular by ridiculing the phrase “Kind of,” arguing it’s not descriptive enough and also does not exude confidence.


Moore advises the reader to not use the term “actually”. She argues that if one uses this word prior to correcting a co worker it can come off as snarky and even condescending.

I just threw this together

Lastly, Moore advises her audience to stay away from the phrase “I just threw this together.” Moore argues that this is another phrase that makes the individual seem less confident, and may work to the detriment of an individual trying to establish oneself in the workplace.

Do you have phrases that have been helpful to you at work? Let us know.

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10 Great Jobs That Don’t Require a College Degree


pexels-photo-127873A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog detailing the misinformation about the lack of opportunities available for someone who didn’t have a four-year degree. This post is meant to highlight careers that are possible without a degree.

Contrary to popular beliefs, there are some high paying career options for those who do not want to be shackled with student debt and college loans. Here we list 10 of the highest paying jobs that do not require a college degree. This list is courtesy of Susannah Snider’s article “25 Best Jobs That Don’t Require a College Degree.”

Unsurprisingly, the jobs on the list are predominantly in the Medical or Technological fields. While they’re achievable without a degree, they do require specialized skills which help advance their pay scale.

Radiation Therapist $80.2K
Dental Hygienist $72.3K
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer $68.9K
Web Designer $64.9K
Computer Support Specialist $62.2K
Occupational Therapy Assistant $57.8K
Respiratory Therapist $57.7K
Physical Therapist Assistant $55.1K
Cardiovascular Technologist $54.8K
Hearing Aid Specialist $49.6K

SkillSmart is designed to help our members identify, learn and improve skills. We help create a transparent career path in various industries. Register or log in now to see our latest opportunities, and the skills needed to be qualified.

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The Skills Revolution will be the Great Skills Equalizer

Over the last 30 years society has become more and more reliant on technology. This over-reliance has even crossed over into the workplace, but according to research conducted by the Manpower Group, this reliance on technology is not likely to translate into less jobs in the coming years.

The article “We Are Facing a Skills Revolution and Learnability Will Be the World’s Great Equalizer in This Age of Acceleration” helps to explain that as long as employees continue to acquire new, relevant skills they will continue to be employable.

Jonas Prising, ManpowerGroup Chairman & CEO explained that “the desire and ability to learn new skills (will keep potential individuals) relevant and (help employees) remain employable.”

Essentially the future will mirror the past. Those who became familiar with technology, and computers early enjoyed an advantage during the early wave of the internet, and those who were not familiar with computers were forced to learn. The report even highlights the IT and Customer Service as growing industries.

Specifically, the report projects rapid growth in data analyst positions which require (individuals) to make sense of big data, and unsurprisingly HR departments who will be given the important task of finding qualified employees to fill these positions.

However, these feelings of optimism were not mirrored around the world where employers expect to cut staff as technology improves. Employers in India, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia all expect to reduce staff size, while employers in Italy, Guatemala and Peru view the idea of robots on the workforce rather favorably.

SkillSmart is designed to help our members identify, learn and improve skills related to technology. We help create a transparent career path in IT and beyond.

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