Why Diversity & Inclusion Directors Use
SkillSmart InSight
SkillSmart InSight

As a diversity director, creating a workplace that meets your goals and expectations and is representative with local workforce compliance and that is an impact on the community is one of your top priorities. With SkillSmart InSight, we help you demonstrate the impact your project is having in your community among local and diverse workers, vendors and local and diverse suppliers. In addition, InSight can help you implement consistency across your projects in the data you collect, monitor and report. By making the collection and monitoring of data easier, InSight helps you be both compliant and impactful.Construction compliance is not a problem with data tracking.
Add Subs by EIN to eliminate duplicate entries
Capture scheduled and actual start dates
Track project wage rates and work types (prevailing wage, DBRE, etc.)
Track targeted worker participation
Track company entity types
Flag non-compliant wages, missing payroll submission, missing documents, apprenticeship status and more