SkillSmart connects people, training, jobs in Western Mass.

First published by Jim Kinney at, October 25, 2017.  Baystate Health has 12,000 employees and makes about 1,400 new hires a year of folks from outside its system, said President and CEO Mark Keroack. And as the city’s largest employer,...

Group Students Hands Raised Graduation Concept

States Use Workforce Data to Connect Colleges to Careers

First published by SHRM, October 12, 2017.  A new study highlights how several states are helping students choose what to study depending on the skills local employers say they need. The report from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW), a...

The Future of Work

More and more people are trying to better understand the future of work and why the U.S. has more open jobs – more than 6 million – than at any time in our history. In September, former VP Joe Biden hosted an event Choosing a Future of Quality...

Maryland Meeting the Urgent Demand for Cybersecurity Workers

First published by I-95 Business, October, 2017. Cybersecurity is one of this century’s most urgent global imperatives. Financial damages are measured in the trillions of dollars and are a result of the proliferation of digital devices into every aspect of our daily lives in pursuit...

Enough Talk, Let’s Get to Work

Why is it that each day we see a story about a company that can’t find workers, communities without jobs, and graduates not finding work? It’s not that we don’t have jobs.  We have 6.2 million unfilled jobs in the U.S., more than at any time in our history. It’s not that we...

Maryland cyber group aims to decrease number of unfilled industry jobs

First published by Baltimore Business Journal, August 22, 2017. The Cybersecurity Association of Maryland Inc. is launching a new online jobs platform in partnership with Germantown job-seeking firm SkillSmart. Maryland Cyber Jobs was built to address the shortage of qualified...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Cybersecurity Association of Maryland, Inc. Launches SkillSmart

The Cybersecurity Association of Maryland, Inc. (CAMI) announced today the launch of a state-of-the-art online jobs platform in partnership with Maryland-based firm SkillSmart. Maryland Cyber Jobs (MCJ) addresses the chronic shortage across all industry sectors in finding qualified...

Make It In America

Over the past weeks, we have seen Made in America Week, Infrastructure Week, and the Democrats’ Deal for the American Worker. There seems to be agreement that many Americans are trapped in jobs that don’t pay desirable wages while other, higher-earning...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart Selected for 2017 MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge

SkillSmart has been selected as a finalist in the 2017 MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge, sponsored by MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy, which is awarding over $1 million to tech-driven organizations that are reinventing the future of work. This year’s award...

National education startup workshop held in Phoenix to forge new relationships, partnerships with local companies

First published by Phoenix Business Journal, July 31, 2017. Washington, D.C.-based Village Capital brought 12 education startups from across the country to Phoenix to meet local companies, mentors and city and business leaders for possible partnerships. The four-day workshop was held...

Skills on the National Stage

We are excited to see the emergence of a national conversation on the importance of using skills to build the workforce, improve hiring outcomes, and increase opportunities for success. In the past few months we have seen a focus on rebuilding America’s infrastructure, products Made In...

The Future of Workforce Development: A Sit Down with Innovate + Educate

Three Questions With Ryan Craig, Jason Green, and Jason Palmer. Interviews conducted and compiled by Susanna Williams of Innovate+Educate. Edited for length. 1. How do you see work changing? Jason Palmer, General Partner at New Market Ventures: People are...