It’s All About Jobs, But it Has to be About Skills First

Businesses, communities and people are excited by the potential opportunities that an increased focus on infrastructure and manufacturing will have on local communities and across the nation. At first glance a renewed focus on these areas is great news, and then articles and research...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart Announces New Partnership with The Purple Line Transit Partners

Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP) is partnering with SkillSmart, a skills-based platform, to connect local job seekers to the Purple Line job opportunities for which they are the best match. The SkillSmart platform also identifies the skills job seekers need to acquire in order to...

5 Signs You’re Successful

Traditionally our culture measures success by the amount of or quality of material items that we have. Essentially, in today’s culture, a big house or luxury car equates to a successful life. However, you should ask yourself if this is a true barometer of your own life success. Within...

7 Phrases to Eliminate at Work

Seldom does an individual truly realize the power of their words. However, because words can have a positive or negative connotation, the words one uses can affect the tone of a statement. While there are hundreds of articles analyzing the power of words within a relationship, there...

10 Great Jobs That Don’t Require a College Degree

  A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog detailing the misinformation about the lack of opportunities available for someone who didn’t have a four-year degree. This post is meant to highlight careers that are possible without a degree. Contrary to popular beliefs, there are some...

The Skills Revolution will be the Great Skills Equalizer

Over the last 30 years society has become more and more reliant on technology. This over-reliance has even crossed over into the workplace, but according to research conducted by the Manpower Group, this reliance on technology is not likely to translate into less jobs in the coming...

The Role of Employers in the Interview Process

During our weekly blog posts, we usually view the interview process from the job seeker’s point of view – because as job seekers, we sometimes feel as if we need an employer more than the employer needs us. While it’s true that the seekers typically have less resources and need a...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart and ICMCP Announce Partnership to Address Cybersecurity Issues Through Increased Diversity Hiring

JOINT RELEASE WITH The International Consortium of Minority Cybersecurity Professionals (ICMCP) is working with SkillSmart, a skills-based platform, to increase efforts to address the gross underrepresentation of women and minorities in the Cybersecurity...

Career Path of Millennials: What’s Right for You?

As youth growing up in the 21st century we are constantly bombarded with information that declares the importance of college. There are countless articles stating that we will make X amount of dollars more if we attend college or much less if we don’t. But, I believe a deeper...

Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job: Part 2

Emily Moore’s Glassdoor article “7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting A Job Offer” provides an individual with several reasonable questions that one should ponder prior to accepting a position. We started analyzing the article last time, and the themes of foresight and...

Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job: Part 1

As a job seeker it sometimes seems as if an opportunity will never come your way. This desperation can sometimes lead one to take advantage of any job opportunity, even when the offer is not the right one to take. In the article “7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting A Job...

How to Avoid Bad Career Advice: Part 3

  In our last article, we dove into part 2 of our analysis of J. Maureen Henderson’s article “Bad Career Advice Is Everywhere — Here’s How To Avoid It.” Today’s article, we take on her final question. How invested is the person offering...