Milwaukee Bucks Hold Town Hall for City Workers on Arena Project

Published by Scott Paulus of Milwaukee Business Journal The Milwaukee Bucks and the city of Milwaukee recently hosted the first in a series of town hall meetings to introduce prospective job seekers to the SkillSmart platform and potential work on the team’s...

How to Avoid Bad Career Advice: Part 2

Last time we started our review of analyzing J. Maureen Henderson’s article “Bad Career Advice Is Everywhere — Here’s How To Avoid It,” starting with “Does this advice reflect my own priorities?” This time we will look over Henderson’s second...

Happy Holidays from the SkillSmart Team

As 2016 draws to a close it is good to reflect on those things that worked well, and those that didn’t achieve all that you’d hoped in an effort to improve on them in the coming year. We were pleased to to be able to support our clients in their pursuit of hiring a diverse, talented...

How to Avoid Bad Career Advice: Part 1

In this era of Internet accessibility it is easy for anyone to have a voice. Current events have shown that manipulated information can have an effect on national events, therefore it is no surprise that bias or non factual articles could affect one’s job search. Within the...

Skills to Master the Resume: a TEDx talk by SkillSmart co-founder Jason Green

Our talent development process is outdated. We are putting students into programs that have little to no connectivity to the world of work and job seekers are using a 500 year old resume. SkillSmart co-founder Jason Green talks through how we can decipher real skills and put them to...

Bucks tap SkillSmart job-matching tool for arena workforce development

Published by Rich Kirchen of Milwaukee Business Journal The Milwaukee Bucks, which is committed to the hiring of Milwaukee city and county residents for arena construction and the new arena district, contracted with SkillSmart of Germantown, Md., to create a...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bucks and SkillSmart Partner on New Workforce Development Platform for Arena District Employment

SkillSmart creates pipeline of qualified local workers by matching candidates with positions and helping prospective workers gain the skills needed for future employment. First community town hall meeting scheduled for Dec. 15 at Journey House to introduce local jobseekers to the...

Experts share their advice for your job search

As job seekers we tend to seek the advice of successful individuals in order to determine where we can improve. Susannah Snider’s article “10 Experts Share the Best Career Advice They Ever Received” helps job seekers find advice from a who’s who list of successful individuals within...

Focus on the after-interview process to help your job search

While getting your foot in the door for an interview is exciting and gratifying it is usually only the first step to success. The time following the interview is usually filled tension and intrigue while you wait to find out if you were hired. Thanks to Forbes...

Three steps to enhance your job search

Looking for a job can be one of the most tenuous processes of adulthood. Especially over the last few years as the job seeking process has dramatically shifted. Society has promoted a somewhat unfair importance of a college degree. Those of us who graduated college feel like we should...

Employers Are Facing the Worst Talent Shortage Since 2007

Some organizations are increasing on-the-job training to meet the challenge Published by Roy Maurer of Society of Human Resource Management Employers across the globe are facing the most acute talent shortage since the Great Recession, according to ManpowerGroup’s...

JPMorgan Chase Report Finds Job Matching Technology Insufficient for Job Seekers, Employers

  Lack of Access to Technology and Poor Data Present Challenges for Low and Middle Skill Workers’ Ability to Find Good-paying Careers Published by JPMorgan Chase Technology innovations that match job seekers with employers are transforming the labor market, but these tools are not...