FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart Announces Partnership with the Milwaukee Bucks

New Contract with the Milwaukee Bucks of the NBA to Drive Local Economic Growth and Employment Opportunities During Arena Construction Germantown, MD – October 5, 2016 – SkillSmart, Inc. announced today at the Close It Summit that it has been retained by the Milwaukee...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SkillSmart Announces New Contract to Launch Cybersecurity Pilot

New Workforce Development Contract is with the Chesapeake Regional Tech Council to Support Regional Tech and Cybersecurity Staffing Germantown, MD – September 21, 2016 – SkillSmart announced announced today that it has been retained by the Chesapeake Regional Tech...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Local Job-Matching Firm SkillSmart Commits to White House Partnership for Refugees

SkillSmart Joins White House Call to Action for Private Sector Engagement on Global Refugee Crisis Germantown, MD – September 20, 2016 – Today, SkillSmart announced its participation as a partner in the White House Call to Action for private sector engagement on the global...

Making the Right Connections to Close the Skills Gap

One startup is developing a solution to help job seekers match skills and potential to jobs  By Roy Maurer, The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a record high 5.9 million job openings this month, while roughly 8 million Americans are being counted as...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Local Tech Startup SkillSmart to Support AAWDC’s efforts to Staff Retail and Restaurant Positions at BWI Airport

New Workforce Development Contract is with Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation Germantown, MD – September 13, 2016 – SkillSmart announced today that it has been retained by Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation in Anne Arundel County, Maryland to staff...

How to Hire Good People for Your Farm Operation

by Alison Rice, Spend just a little time talking with dairy farmers, and you’ll quickly learn about one of their key pain points: finding and keeping good workers. “We do have a lot of challenges in New York that’s keeping farms from expanding,” Tonya Van...

Do courses really lead to a career?

As we approach the last weeks of Summer many of us are dealing with either an end or a beginning. Many Spring graduates put off the inevitable task of finding a job for the allure of travel, being with friends or just getting some rest after school. Meanwhile, many students were...

Skills-Based Hiring: A Primer

Our friends at General Assembly recently published a policy briefing worthy of a read by every business. Here are a few of the most salient points. Explosive job growth in high-tech fields is creating unprecedented opportunity for social and economic mobility. But it also creates...

Campaign 2016: Want to Really Grow the Economy? Focus on skills.

We’re at halftime between the Republican and Democratic National Conventions and most people really want to know what the next president plans to do for them: “How do I get a better job, make more money, raise a family, buy a house, take care of my aging parents or save for college?”...

Why More is Less in Hiring

“If you want to recruit good employees you need to post your job descriptions in as many places as possible, get high click through rates and get as many resumes as possible.” Well, 427,000 resumes are posted on Monster each week and yet companies that advertise open positions...

Growing the Economy and Workforce by Investing in People

  Springfield, Massachusetts has become ground zero for demonstrating a new demand-driven approach to grow its economy and workforce. And the city’s efforts are being recognized and encouraged. Last month, the Western Massachusetts Economic Development Corporation, located in...

On the Road to Progress

Over the last few weeks, our team has been on the road meeting with various clients, partners and industry groups. The common theme: how we can work together to solve the nation’s skills gap through a better, more qualified workforce. Maryland Hospitality and Lodging...