To be able to track and comply on projects, firms must have the workforce to be able to show that you’re doing it in the first place. Right now, this is a critical issue that is confronting the construction industry. On each project, contractors need to make headway on engaging with the local community and be able to bring in skilled workers on projects, to begin to address workforce development issues, and demonstrate their outcomes.
In Milwaukee, SkillSmart deployed their Seeker technology to help the Bucks team engage and hire residents from the local community for the construction of their new basketball arena, increasing hiring outcomes for this project. The Bucks leveraged SkillSmart to hire and train their construction team, 40% of which were previously underemployed, jobless, or even unskilled Milwaukee residents.
From here, SkillSmart’s InSight platform was deployed to track, manage, and report business and workforce data while addressing diversity, prevailing wage, and regional workforce compliance, quantifying the economic impact of this major construction project.
In total, 1,119 profiles were created on the SkillSmart platform, including 1,105 from economically challenged areas of Milwaukee:
– 28% were from the Resident Preference Program (RPP) impact area (316 workers)
– 24% were RPP Certified (270 workers)
– 87% met Nationally Targeted Worker (NTW) guidelines (979 workers)
– Workers went from $10 – $11 per hour to $27.61 – Minimum Wage to Living Wage
Client | Milwaukee Bucks
Location | Milwaukee, WI
Contract Value | $800M
# of Workers to Employ | 1,565
Seeker | Seeker platform was deployed to help engage and hire residents from the local community for the construction of the arena. The technology was used to hire and train at least 40 percent of their construction team, previously deemed underemployed, jobless, or unskilled.