The Role of Employers in the Interview Process
During our weekly blog posts, we usually view the interview process from the job seeker’s point of view – because as job seekers, we sometimes feel as if we need an employer more than the employer needs us.
While it’s true that the seekers typically have less resources and need a stable employment position, we often overlook how important a qualified, competent employee is to a business.
So, this week we will to look at Kristina Evans’ article “Interviewing is Not One-Sided.”
Evans’ article challenges employers to treat their prospective employees with respect and clarity. Essentially, Evans argues that companies will only attract the best employees if they respect the process and show potential candidates that they are wanted for employment as much as they want to be employed by specific companies.
Evans explains that employers must be open with their expectations during the interview process. Doing so allows potential employees to engage at their maximum potential during the interview. Evans explains that the interview process is really a two-way street. If a prospective employee has a good interview process, they are more likely to pass this experience forward and this will likely have a positive effect on the quality of future employees.
It is well known that reputation plays a huge part in the business world. Now we understand that this goes for both employee and employer.
Have you experienced an employer similar to what Evans describes?