Three steps to enhance your job search

Looking for a job can be one of the most tenuous processes of adulthood. Especially over the last few years as the job seeking process has dramatically shifted.
Society has promoted a somewhat unfair importance of a college degree. Those of us who graduated college feel like we should be guaranteed a job. Those of us who did not attend college can feel like there are seldom opportunities for us.
While at one time we were confined to the listings in our local newspapers, today’s technologies open new opportunities both near and far. Although I haven’t found a full-time job yet, I have discovered several useful steps that could help everyone in your job search.
First, do something. Anything.
Your potential employer won’t be impressed to see a huge gap between your jobs. So, volunteer, intern or find anything to add experience to your resume. Doing so will show that your time without a “formal job” was time still well spent gaining skills that may be useful to a new employer.
Second, use your connections.
We’ve all heard the saying “it’s not what you know but who you know.” It’s true. Many employers admit that they are more likely to give someone a job interview if they are familiar with their reference. It’s important for you to actively seek out and establish relationships. You never know who could introduce you to your next job. So start increasing your network and promoting your skills.
Third, know your position.
When you land an interview for a position, you have to know the basics of the position before you walk into the interview. You have to show you care about your potential position, so even if you haven’t worked in the field before, get familiar with the tasks expected of you. For example, if you have an opportunity to become a barista you should at least know that you will be required to mix coffee, interact with people and stand for long hours. Knowing the basics and having a positive attitude will give you a leg up on the competition.
I plan on employing these tactics as I continue my search and I hope you do, too. Good luck!